Lost In Her 2

Sam was the hottest male on the construction site & to make things harder for him; the boss on the site was a female in her fifties by the name Helen Macdonald. This is no place for a woman he said to himself every day. She used to be a pain in the neck, but …

A Drop Of Kiss 2

For the last ten years of her marriage Matt kept cheating on her, they argued and fought, separated for awhile, and even were on the verge of divorce, he then promised her that he will not cheat on her again, and he will be a faithful and loving husband. But it only got worse, and …

Free Sexuality For The Woman

‘Freedom is the mass-marketing of woman as whore. Free sexuality for the woman is in being massively consumed, denied an individual nature, denied any sexual sensibility other than that which serves the male. Capitalism is not wicked or cruel when the commodity is the whore; profit is not wicked or cruel when the alienated worker …

No One Can Silence Me

Am a woman, I’ll call myself ‘A Global Citizen’ who for the time being lives in a place called ‘Somaliland’ (Where am bullied, harassed, abused, and harmed every single day. I haven’t went out now for months because of the bullying and abuse that happens to me. I’ve forgotten how the street looks like, miss …

The Fight of My life

‘Stop letting people who do so little for you control your mind, feelings & emotions.’ Will Smith I would add stop anyone who does NOTHING for you from controlling you. You must have a vision for your  life, anyone not helping  you move upward, & wants to keep you at the bottom to prey on you delete …

Hycent Essien Reactions

Many fans are really reacting after listening to the “ I Cant Breathe” Album to which Hycent Essien  was included, if you haven’t played today, you can take the advantage to play and give your reaction about it, so Play Now>> we recently asked Hycent Essien  to provide answers to questions you will really love …

Paul MOG Reactions

Many fans are really reacting after listening to the “ I Cant Breathe” Album to which Paul MOG was included, if you haven’t played today, you can take the advantage to play and give your reaction about it, so Play Now>> we recently asked Paul MOG to provide answers to questions you will really love …