A Drop Of Kiss 2

For the last ten years of her marriage Matt kept cheating on her, they argued and fought, separated for awhile, and even were on the verge of divorce, he then promised her that he will not cheat on her again, and he will be a faithful and loving husband. But it only got worse, and the more richer and powerful he got, the more perverted he became.

The love in their marriage ended, and there was no more sex either, and Nancy was glad, she couldn’t bear him touching her or being inside her body. She stayed in the marriage for her twins; she was going to protect them no matter what even if it meant staying with a cheating husband she doesn’t love or desire anymore.


‘Am Patrick!’  A voice said from above her shoulder

She knew who that voice belonged to, she removed the hat from over her face, she was wearing a bikini by the pool side, it was as if she is destined to meet him whenever she is having minimum cloth on!

She doesn’t know how long had he stood there watching her, and didn’t bother to cover herself. She looked at him wondered if she would feel again the same way she did the other day.

‘How can I help you?!’ She asked.

‘Am looking for Mr. Matt, they need him at the firm, and when they couldn’t be reach him on his phone, I was sent.’

So he is spending the day with his slut who loves his erections. Her gaze moved from Patrick’s shoes to his legs, then she saw a bulge at the front of his trousers, just like she didn’t bother to cover herself he stood right in front of her not ashamed of his arousal.

She stood up walking away towards the house and said to him in aloud angry tone ‘Well you are wasting your time here, he isn’t around.’

She wanted to shout back at him and say ‘You will find him with his sluts.’

But then she turned around and found him staring at her bottom, her cheeks blushing she said to him ‘Am not his secretary!’


For the following days she kept seeing Patrick every, and then saw him again while she was spending her day with her friends, he was sitting in the cafe opposite to her, she was wearing a very revealing summer dress, after he came into her life she threw all her wardrobe away and bought sexy and more feminine wardrobe, she went to where he was sitting and confronted him saying ‘Are you following me?!’

‘Yes.’ Said Patrick

He threw her off balance, she was counting on him denying and then arguing with him, not to be so blatant.


‘You deserve a better man!’

‘Stay out of my way, is this how you make your living, chasing women whom their husband’s are having a mid life crisis!’

‘Some people need to be saved from themselves Nancy, and am here to do that for you!’

She shook her head and left him.


She kept seeing more of him for the next months and she avoided him completely, then her daughter made remarks about him, she told her to stay away from him and concentrate on her life.

‘Do you think he is bad?! Bad men are sexy mom!’

‘Bella watch your mouth!’

She confronted her husband with the text messages she saw, that he broke his oath not cheating on her, and he didn’t deny, he told her it comes with the changes in his life. Then told her that he will not beg her again to forgive him and she can do whatever she wants.


She found a job with the help of her friends and moved out of the house, she was always good with numbers, it was a job in a big accounting firm, and she enrolled herself at the university.

One night as she was having dinner with her best friend she told her that she wanted to do something thrilling, her friend recommended a ‘Dancing Class’ for her,  and told her that maybe she will meet the man of her life while learning new moves and burning calories!

She registered herself at a night class and thought of bringing her kids, but they told her they already had plans but will come to see her, at the class the teacher told them to pair up, she was the only one left without a partner, her Spanish dancing teacher came to her aid saying ‘ We can dance together!’

Then she heard the voice that had never left her for months now ‘No need, I don’t have a partner too, so we can team up!’

Once in his arms she was tense for the first few minutes, then later on her body relaxed and let him guide her, they kept moving together, she was unaware of everything except this man who made her feel so ‘Alive’ since the first day they had met.

Later at night she let him accompany her back to home, while walking they talked, he told her that he is an orphan, he doesn’t know his father, his mother committed suicide after some of her lovers whom were drug dealers hooked her on drugs and turned her into a prostitute.

‘I guess she couldn’t stand being used by the men she has loved starting from my dad, then later on her lovers who were concealing their true identity and occupation, hooking her up on drugs, then after they got bored with her, and she become of no value to them introduced her to prostitution, she couldn’t take what they did to her and what she had become, so she then decided to end her story her way.’

‘Each day I keep asking myself why had she given up on herself and me? Why didn’t she fight back?!’

Suddenly she came into a halt, opened her arms and hugged him tightly, he was sobbing openly, and she held him tight in her arms, he needed someone to reassure him that they are there for him, and that he won’t be let down just like what happened to his mom, they stood like this for awhile.

‘Sometimes when we are panicked, with not so many options, and in dangerous situations, the mind gives us only two options ‘Fight/Flight’, some are very vulnerable,  alone, scared, they chose not to fight, they chose the exit door, they want to run away from pain, and put an end to their misery.’ Nancy said to him

They finally arrived to her building, she invited him, and he seemed reliefed that she did, she played music, they cooked together, while dancing when they found a chance and sang happily , they seemed like lifelong friends, they set the table at the balcony, the sight was breathtaking, and she had grown various plants and roses, the balcony had become one amazing garden.

They talked about everything, politics, music, movies, their likes and dislikes, they even danced again together, at the very first hours of the morning he left her after placing a kiss inside her palm.

At work she kept and held that hand he kissed all day next to her heart during, their evenings now ended with him walking with her to home, them cooking together, eating together, chatting, dancing, listening to music, reading books, watching movies, and enjoying being with each other.


After her divorce he proposed to her, he left working at Matt’s firm, he now gives various coaching lessons on life, dancing and many other things, she hesitated at first because of the age difference, but he convinced her that it doesn’t mean anything for him.

‘Am fifty, won’t you want children?!’

‘Am in my thirties and strong like a bull, am sure we will make babies together.’

‘Stop joking, am serious!’ She said

He looked at her and said ‘All men aren’t like Matt, am not Matt, I won’t cheat on you, and I will always love you.’


They married, and her children and friends were there, she was very happy and she knew she had found the love of her life.


At their room in the hotel she stood in front of him naked, she wanted to see his reaction towards a woman that is fifty, a belly that had carried babies, breasts that had gone into motherhood, and body that isn’t as young as his.

He ran his eyes over her entire body lingering his gaze on her most feminine and womanly parts, his hands and lips stroked and loved her, and with his passion he showed her how much he was crazy about her.

His voice was hoarse as he said ‘I made an oath that I will never be with a woman except with the bond of marriage, and that I will not do to any woman what some men did to my mother. I have saved myself for the right woman, and you are the right woman.’

Then they kissed and touched each other feverishly and hungrily, his erection pressing into her aching center, and their tongues going into a tango dance.

Read Drop Of Kiss 1 Click Here>>

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