The Wicked Housewife
Humans can be so wicked; they inflict pain and injuries on others and fail to feel their pain.
Being a House wife is also a professional job, not easy taking care of children and the normal chores at home. Some that feel it is too much to do everything, might choose to bring in an house help, may be as a result of time, stress, pride and availability of enough resource to stay relax, why a house help do all her jobs.
They have license to do so, and the rule is never to give out your child as house, but where are these child parents anyway. Congratulation housewife, but this does not give the license of stupidity to over use or torture, the child in the name of house help, but should be treated like a child or a normal human being that desire little care.
Not all women are same, but some are like the devils incarnate. Never understood such hatred directed towards the child, and when the child dies under her care she will blame it on her boss, the devil.
It is really heart breaking, chinwe a wicked woman burnt her seven year old, house help with a hot knife, this is not her first time, she have been getting such punishment to even add to it, she receive strokes of cane on her whole body and face, and quite a pity, if you see her body, when she removes her cloth to bath. The most unbearable one, she has received so far is a hot pepper on her private part, She cannot bear, the effect of the pepper inside her body and cries out helplessly.
It is not her fault; she is hopeless of any help, when her biological mother abandoned her, when she was very small. The pain is too much that chinwe had to beat her more not to cry out, but was mistaken, as her neighbor was tired of hearing chidinma cry all the time and one day called her, when she was outside, the veranda.
Oluchi her neighbor was too hesitant to know, what is wrong with her neighbor house help and have even told her husband about it and he told her not to get involve in his family matters, but she was strong headed to listen, and pushed forward to pursue her quest to bring an end to chindima sufferings. After many attempt, caution and quarrels with chinwe, this time karma caught up with her, as oluchi was able to lure chidima out of her madam house, when she was asleep.
Chidinma could not be able to talk, because she was in pain, but oluchi comforted her and consoled her with her words of encouragement, it would be okay. She took her straight to a divisional police station, where her case was registered and to make things worse, the police head was a woman, mother and a grandmother.
Chinwe was still asleep, when she heard a knock on her door and it was continuous but wondered why such knocks, when she has a house help to attend to it. With her plump baby of some few months old, she shouted chidinma name several but no answers, and said in her heart, she would inflict more pain on her, for stressing her to rise from her sleep to open her door. It was very surprising for her to see some policemen and women, in her door frontage.
Chinwe could not believe anything; she was so shock and muted. Chinwe was still surprised, becoming speechless, when she heard from one of the police officer, she is under arrest for abusing a minor, which was her first time she was hearing such distinguished grammatical sentence. The sentence was very big for her and required another police officer, who translated in her own native language, at that point she had no options but to call her husband to tell him of her where about.
While at the station, she confessed and admitted to torturing chidinma, after several interrogations. She was too weak to hold on to the truth or lie about it, because it was all women, who drilled her with their criminal tactics, they do use for criminal minded people.
She begged madam police promising her, she won’t inflict any pain on her and promise to buy beverages, cloths and treat her better. Now she realizes beating and torturing her unnecessary, even though she didn’t commit any crime to warrant such punishment and her only excuse to receive her punishment, was because she was caught eating crayfish, drinking garri with sugar and drinking her children beverages.
Madam police laughed in her mind, because she knew she was pretending and would return back to her vomit, the moment she is set free from her charges. She frowned at her, with lots of anger on her face, also reminding her, she also is a woman and mother, and gave her a big blow, when she told her, that her case have been charged to court for judgment and due punishment.
Meanwhile, oluchi played her part very clever taking chidinma to the police station and didn’t further got involved, so her and chinwe wouldn’t be enemies in the same compound or not to get spiritually and physically pinned down to death.
Chidinma now found a happy life, as a kid foundation took her in, cared for her, as she doesn’t have to suffer again. Chinwe would face, the music of her wicked actions at the hand of a judge, but lots of annoyed persons won’t wait but judge her with likely possibility of getting her the same faith, like she gave chidimma with lots of hot pepper in her private, not just ordinary pepper but black hot pepper, coupled with addition of Cain strokes from a soldier and burns on her skin with hot iron, as she did with her house help. At least she will feel, the kind of evil, she did was very horrible and have a taste, how it feels to have a hot pepper in her private region.
It is unbearable to feel it, because one might not tell, what she had pass through in life, which might have molded her, to become wicked.
Not all women have dark mind like chinwe, her evil is very plump like her polished fat dark skin. She looks like a cannibal and her heart must be darker than her skin, and my fear is, I hope she is not planning to eat another womans child, now that chidimma is no longer available.