The Forbidden Fruit: The Bosom(TFF1)

It was never the desire of dexter to journey through the way of immorality, betrayal and unrighteousness but it was burn out of frustration to experience love first hand and hard, which have not been available to him for very long. Throughout his existence on earth till now, dexter have not touched the bosom of a woman, only watched it often on western films but didn’t paid much attention to it as not to pollute his mind. He was such a righteous guy growing up with responsible parents that doesn’t joke about the things of God.

Every morning, before the cork crows his mother has already waken them all from bed together with his other three siblings. They all gather together to have devotion, appreciating God for granting them life. It was such a happy moment, there is joy everywhere and that goes a long way to make, the family happy and their day glorious.

Time flies so fast; dexter is no more a boy but a man, who had passed through stages of love rejection. He always fall in love with the ones so beautiful, who do not reject him, it’s not as if he is rejected totally but they are not interested in him and doesn’t understand what’s really wrong. On the other hand, the ones interested in him, find it difficult of attracting his manhood, it’s not as if they are not beautiful but they are not satisfying and convincing to him. Dexter doesn’t want to give his heart out but is ready to pass through the stages of pain and rejection to get what he wants. I guess his behavior and dreams is causing him all his problems. He wants a lady he likes to spend his life and happiness and possibly marry and is not ready to be a play boy, which is against his faith and morals.

Dexter have been receiving such sermons since he  was a child, his parents and spiritual leader have teached about how our body is the temple of God, to flee away from fornication and sin. Who so ever that committed fornication has done treason against God. Sex is only meant for the married and not for the singles. Even dexter find it difficult holding a lady hands because he is always sensitive and that could ignite lots of emotion for him, which he cannot control, what of kissing, if he cannot control, what of kissing, if he cannot hold a woman hands, kissing is mission impossible.

Dexter often feels like kissing and even gets spoilt but knows he cannot do it because he is afraid of God and the punishment that comes after it. Even when he was a little bit matured in high school, the lady’s love him so much but he was such a shy guy to preserve himself from doing the wrong things. Even chioma that came to his house stopped coming because his mother was strict of him having female friends around him talk more of having the order of letting her visit him at home.

She is beautiful and sexy, but it doesn’t last long and tomorrow it felt there’s no feeling, no connection after the fruit have been eaten and only opens the heart to more desire to eat more variety of fruit, at least they taste sweetly different, this one is sweeter than the other and no man cares for the amount of fruit eaten, only just want to have a taste of it and scroll over to the next one.

Dexter is now clawed in his thought of whether to withhold his desire, possibly taste it and scroll over off to the next and only time will tell, what is in his mind.

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