The Secret To Success

They say that only 3%  of us realize their dreams, same goes for our ‘BRAINS’;  only very few of us know how to fully use it and to fully tap into its hidden unlimited potential.

It’s a shame that we read manuals on how to assembly furniture, use this and that equipment and device, but don’t take time to read, study, understand and learn how to use and deal with this magnificent gift from the lord ‘Our Brains’.


The ‘BRAIN’ has five waves each assigned to a different role:






Each is a doorway to endless possibilities and provide us with unlimited powers.

Some of those who have studied the brain argue that humans have been using their brains in the wrong way all along. Meaning that they have let the parts or brainwaves that shouldn’t have been in control be in the driving seat and take charge and control of everything. I say maybe that’s why we have so much tragedies in this world.

In all the five brainwaves ‘ALPHA’ is the most powerful, and its the one that makes it possible for humans to absorb so much information, learn fast, excel in anything and succeed.

When you are on ‘Alpha’ brain wave your body is relaxed and that makes all the difference, the amazing thing is that the frequency of ‘Alpha’ isn’t that much high and is slower allowing you to excel with excellence in anything.

The ‘Alpha’ brain wave is more concerned with the right side of our brains that deals with imagination, intuition, and creativity.

If you want to succeed, make sure that you’re on ‘Alpha’ brainwave most times.

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