My Fears

They argued with them of not doing it, and gave them all the evidence why their marriage is doomed to fail.

His mother said to him ‘Don’t look very far, just look at the (White House), here you go, the biggest evidence you will ever need; a black man who was conceived by a white woman and a black man, and the rest is history. Son, such marriages do rarely work.’ She then took his hands in hers ‘Do you want that for your children, for me, do you want me to be that black grandmother like Obama’s white grandmother raising my son’s children from his failed marriage?!’

Am afraid the people who already are denying me WORK WILL STEAL MY NOVEL. This did happen more than once, things included in my writing are being discussed here & there, someone today was calling me by the name of one of the male characters in my novel, how can I protect my laptop from SPYWARE?!

My novel is about a male character called ‘Dauwd’,  he is a Muslim soldier in the American Army, people close to him & so on.

‘How many times do I have to repeat myself? I have said million times; I never wanted him to go? This war is not and was never our war!’ His face turned red indicating his irritation.

She began arguing with him feverishly ‘How can you say such a horrendous thing? Many Muslims and non Muslims had suffered severely from this plague called ‘Terrorism and Extremism?!’

‘It is not my fault you never use your brains, that you spend all your day on multiple phony platforms, and in the end think and talk like them!’

‘Like who?’ It was her turn to become extremely upset ‘Remember, you were the one who spent years chasing me to marry you and all of a sudden now I have become of no quality!’

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