Clash Of Fighters

It is always good for military officers to fall in love together but at the same time risky. A civilian might find it difficult to cope together with a military person, but it is for the best, at least one person is holding the gun. These are people who are trained to kill and at the slightest mistake, there would be a loss of life, more especially if they are not married and are into a loving juicy kind of relationship.

It is not save to keep up, still on a relationship, but it is advisable to for females not to give into having any intimacy, until he has agreed to marry you, if not don’t open your legs because, if you do he will keep coming, demanding and if you fail to deliver he gives you a sliding tackle, he beats you up, if you fail to respect him and if you make him jealous, he points a gun at you and can pull the trigger, and if he devilishly pulls the trigger, you won’t live to tell a story.

This was situation of a female military officer, who was shut by her jealous boy friend, a military officer like her in cold blood by pointing a gun at her chest and pulled the trigger. She didn’t live to tell any story, because she woke up at gun point at her house, while she was still enjoying her sleep early in the morning. Sweetie lost her life to her jealous lover, who was supposed to be her protector. Her jealous lover seemed to have forgotten, the moment they shared together, the kisses on their lips softly felt, the night spent, such they held each close together all the time and it looked as if they should spend all day in bed and door closed, so there won’t be interference, he also forgot, the promises he made to her, the periods spent on the beach partly nude and steering each other in the eyes, talking life and lovely stories and looking at the roaring waters as it splash on the land and telling her, how she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

The crazy lover dropped a note after his dirty deeds, which reads;

It is a prestige for me to be writing, this note because, it would be read worldwide. As a simple guy, who never partake in any flamboyant activities? Most people say, I have a bright future. I am a guy who pulls two rounds in a witch and one round to my fucking body. For it is said, that he who kill by the sword shall die by it. Most idiots would insult me, yes if I were to be in these shoes, I would do the same, like wise if they were to be in my shoes, they would even pull more than three rounds on the witch. Call me the crazy lover, who died for heart break.

The gallant beautiful sweetie is gone, but has left all in the hands of her family to seek for her revenge against her killer, who is in a guard cell and won’t be there for long to also feel the pain of her death, because he who kills by the sword shall die by the sword.

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