Holy Ghost By Sop-Ben

Get filled with the power of the lord as you play this wonderful song from Holy Ghost Filled Sop-Ben , a rising Gospel Artist that God is Using to Inspire this Generation. God Bless you as you Download. Download Click Here >>>>> Play On Audius Click Here >>> View Facebook Activities >>>> Twitter Activities >>>>

I Cant Breathe

When God created man,he never put interest in color but emphasis in making the world habitable, with so much love, fruit and joy, but fast track to when he said, in genesis 6, that my spirit shall not strive with man,because he saw great wickedness in man, that every of their imagination of thought of …

Total Lock Down With God

добро пожаловать, вы можете перевести с английского на россию, используя наш переводчик языка Thanks for visiting; it’s time to experience Gods Divine Love and protection in your life and family. The bible has proclaimed as many shall fall on our right and left side, but it shall not come near us and we shall only …