Sylvia Forche Little Secrets
Sylvia Forche is a Cameroon based gospel artist, her song was currently featured in our recent Audio Album Release, which you can play Now>>> Play Now.
she was recently interviewed and here is what she has for her loving fans and do us a favor to also drop your questions in our comment section, that you want us to ask her, in our next live interview sessions and for this interview you can also drop your feelings, wishes and recommendation for her in the comment section.
Here is goes her interview as follows:
Q1. What first got you into Gospel Music?
Ans. My family is a family that sings. From my maternal grandmother who laid the foundation of music in the family. As a result of these when I was growing up I also realized I had that gifting in music and Gospel music in particular because it really sooths the soul.
Q2. Who inspired you to make Gospel Music?
Ans. I went to a dormitory school in my school days so a lot of gospel music was done there. Also life itself is a great teacher in which if you are a good learner you learn a lot. So with life as a teacher I thought if I could change what life has taught me to music I could really create an impact and pass on a massage across and it could cause so much impact.
Q3. How would you describe the Gospel music that typically Create?
Ans. The kind of gospel music I create is soulful and life transforming. This can be felt in my songs. They are songs that bring out the true image of God that you really are.
Q4. Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Ans. In the gospel music industry I would like to collaborate with music ministers like Ada Ehi, Mercy Chinwo and Deborah Lokalu.
Q5. If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
Ans. If I could go open a show I would go all out for minister Ada Ehi.
Q6. What Message would you give to your fans?
Ans. To my fans I want to tell them I love them and that they are my why I sing. Also they give me audience to listen and not only listen but also give constructive criticism which stimulates in me more desiring to grow in this carrier as a singer.
Q7. What is the most useless talent you have?
Ans My most useless talent is that I just don’t know how to stop making people laugh out so loud.
Q8. DO you sing in the shower and what songs?
Ans. I do sing in the shower but these songs come randomly especially if it’s the one I’ve been meditating with for the time. Songs like cornerstone, what a beautiful name it is, are so great and soul touching too.
Q9. What would you be doing right now if it wasn’t for your music Career?
Ans. Right now I would be doing business or teaching.
Q10. Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
Ans. I am in Cameroon so for the places I have performed in are in Yaoundé, Bamenda, South West. My favorite venues are Bamenda and Yaoundé. I had upcoming shows but for the global crisis that has halted them.
Q11. What are your rehearsals generally like? Do you have a set each week in which you practice or are rehearsals more spontaneous?
Ans. Generally they comprise more of singing and piano playing. And my rehearsals are planned I practice all the times.
Q12. How has your music evolved since you recorded the first song?
Ans. Wow my music has so much evolved. From my vocals and my experiences in ministration or performances have seen a lot of growth.
Q13. What has been your biggest challenge as a Gospel artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so how?
Ans. My greatest challenge at first was my vocal ability and my stage performance but I discovered that they got better with practice and watching others perform or minister.
Q14. What’s your ultimate direction? Are you seeking fame and fortune or anything else?
Ans. My goal in music is to minister or touch the hearts of people in my music as a result of that I do sing with all that I am because ministering and touching the hearts and souls of people is my life.
Q15. What advice do you have for people who want to go into gospel music?
Ans. I will advise those who want to go into gospel music that singing is not just an entertainment or a show but meeting the spiritual needs of the people its not necessarily about having a very wonderful voice or about money but seeing the hearts of people transformed or turned to their father God.
Q16. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
Ans. Firstly with the advent of the internet it felt to me like a limitation because CD production drastically declined most people now wanted to go to the internet to download the music they like than what is home based. Secondly on a broader perspective I discovered that it was an opportunity because I could get to watch these great singers I had heard of them now sing live and also it has given me a wider spectrum to do music not just locally but aiming at the world in my music.
Q17. What is your favorite song to perform?
Ans. My favorite song to perform are medleys of songs like cornerstone, what a beautiful name, only you can satisfy my soul.
Q18. Which famous musicians do you admire?
Ans. I admire mercy chinwo, Ada Ehi, Deborah Lokalu, Frank Edwards.
Q19. What is the most trouble you`ve ever gotten into?
Ans. The most trouble I’ve ever gotten into was the day I got an invite to a church to minister but on ministering the keyboardist was just playing out of key it felt so embarrassing.
Q20. What is the best advise you`ve been given?
Ans. The best advice I have ever received has always come from my husband. He will always tell me to concentrate on my talent and keep building and growing while waiting for opportunity. He would usually say that ‘the worst thing that can happen to you is when opportunity meets you unprepared’. So I keep preparing till my day of opportunity comes.
Q21. If you could change anything about the gospel industry, what would it be?
Ans. The aspect that people think that gospel music is like circular music singing for fame and money. Also the aspect where singers totally think they can’t work out their talent like their vocals and they throw all to the working of the Holy Spirit is just a myth.
Q22. What`s next for you?
Ans. Well what’s next for me is to keep working on my talent and give in time to build it, and let it get bigger and stronger.
Q23. Any last words?
Ans. My last words here are to thank this platform for the opportunity I have been given to express how I feel about the gospel music industry. I also want to thank my fans who make me feel like working over and over so as to impact upon them life. I love you’ll. And finally I want to thank the almighty God for this great deposit he has deposited on my inside for the edification of the body.
Thanks for Reading Remember you can help her dreams a reality by simply sharing this content on your Whatsapp Group or Status, and to all your social networks.
If you liked her interview, don’t forget to drop suggestion, recommendation and questions you would want us to ask her in our next interview on our comment section and if you haven’t played Total Lock down with God Today >>> Play Now