President Trump Puts the World in Grave Danger over Covid-19 with His Declaration
Now is not the time for all of this political gains and accusation, and it’s quite an irony n the day Trump make Put the united state as an enemy of the world , Barrack Obama was busy celebrating and endorsing Joe Biden as the presidential candidate to contest with trump.
The democrats are simply using the corona virus failures to discredit trumps party and there by using it to gain the heart of the Americans and the republicans knowing full well they have been boxed to a tight corner needed to do something crazy that will shut down the mouth of democrats and also use it to buy time to sell it to the American people to gain back their heart and it will work for them , because their argument is reasonable but now it’s not the time for it, because the World Health Organization have been boxed to a tight schedule finding solution and needs no distraction.
This pure political like when Trump was initially impeached, he found a way to buy his way out and the defunding of The World health Organization would score his political relevance high because he will capitalize on that for his own political gains.
United State is the highest member funding the united state; President Trump is holding the World Health Organization accountable: “We need the [WHO] to do its job. To perform its primary function, which is to make sure the world has accurate, timely, effective, real information…They didn’t get that done here according to Secretary Pompeo.
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he had instructed his administration to suspend funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) over its handling of the corona virus pandemic, in a move that drew immediate condemnation.
Trump, at a White House news conference, claimed the WHO had “failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable”.
Trump accused WHO of promoting China’s “disinformation” about the virus that likely led to a wider outbreak of the virus than otherwise would have occurred.
Trump said the US would continue to engage with the WHO in pursuit for meaningful reforms and said that the “hold” on funding would continue while the US reviews the organization’s warnings about the corona virus and China.
The head of the World Health Organization has also defended the organization’s response to the corona virus pandemic, at one point directly responding to criticisms leveled by President Donald Trump with warnings not to please politicize this virus, if many people will die.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it was “not the time” to be reducing funds to the WHO or any other organization fighting the pandemic. Now is the time for unity and for the international community to work together in solidarity to stop this virus and its shattering consequences.
The WHO defends itself against the allegations. Misusing the virus for political purposes is harmful for health. This gives the impression that Trump wants to distract everyone from his own mistakes.
Let us try to understand this. Right in the middle of the worst global pandemic outbreak in a century, Trump is holding funds from (WHO) the organization whose job it is to fight global pandemic outbreaks. Why trying to shift blame.