Never Giving Up

Away from the talks, discussions and pretending that we often use to appear in control, I think it’s okay sometimes to admit that we are not Mr. & Mrs know it all, and that beneath all the tough appearance and the masks we wear, we’re vulnerable and sometimes we have our own doubts and don’t have a clue what the hell we are doing!  But even during those times of uncertainty, we must never lose faith and hope.


Every successful person or role model that inspires us was at some point in their lives completely lost, and many times on the verge of giving up entirely on their dreams (Take Chris Gardner for an example from the movie of ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ which is a true story), but then just as they were about to give up, a light appeared at the end of the tunnel pushing them to keep going forward.


What separates the winners from the losers is PERSEVERANCE, at many times you got to become your own ‘Rocky’,  keep fighting and going on even when the whole world is betting on your failure.


Never give up, even when you feel that you’re completely lost or doubtful about whether or not you will win or lose, never lose sight, keep your eyes on the GRAND PRIZE, and believe me there’s always a light at the end of every tunnel.


And remember life is tough, but that ends eventually, what lasts at the end is TOUGH PEOPLE.

‘Life’s not about how hard of a hit you can give… it’s about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.’  Sylvester Stallone

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