Fox News Prepares For War over Corona Virus Misinformation
A recently released research report indicated there is evidence to suggest that Trump has developed super-immunity to intelligence, making it impossible for even rudimentary information to permeate his extraordinarily thick cranium.
Fox News host Sean Hannity was attacked Sunday on Twitter by many who believe he is to blame for spreading misinformation about the corona virus. Sean Hannity said on the air only one month ago that the corona virus is a “fraud” by the deep state to spread panic in the populace, manipulate the economy and suppress dissent. People have died because they didn’t take precautions.
Taken as a whole, his commentary falls into six discernible categories: peddling unproven treatments, comparing COVID-19 to other illnesses or focusing on other ways people can die, defending Trump’s response to the pandemic, blaming the media and journalists, downplaying supply shortages, and attacking local and congressional responses according to Media Matters post.
Sean Hannity and top Trump Administration propagandist has made a career of twisting facts and peddling conspiracy theories.
According to a new report from a nonprofit watchdog group Media Matters for America portrays Hannity one of the chief sources of dangerous misinformation about the corona virus pandemic. The analysis documents some 50 specific examples in which the commentator misrepresented facts about the outbreak to benefit his far-right agenda. On March 9, Hannity opined that young, healthy Americans have no reason to fear corona virus. Two days later, on his radio program, the Hannity dished up a conspiracy theory about the “deep state” using corona virus to spin the public.
It’s now reported that Fox News owners Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch are assembling a team of lawyers in preparation for lawsuits against the news network for promoting misinformation about the corona virus pandemic that could undermine public health.
According to a top Murdoch executive, the media moguls are ready to go to war with potential plaintiffs such as the Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics, who are an activist of non-profit that filed suit on Thursday against Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, and other defendants,” reported Lachlan Cartwright. They all seeks a judgment that the Murdoch-controlled outlets violated the state’s consumer protection laws by ‘falsely and deceptively disseminating ‘News’ via cable news contracts that the novel Corona virus, COVID-19 was a ‘Hoax,’ and that the virus was otherwise not a danger to public health and safety.
WASHLITE is only seeking for normal damages and its main goal is to obtain an injunction stopping Fox News from “interfering with or undermining the legitimate control measures imposed within the State of Washington for the limited time period under which the pandemic is brought under control.
Lawsuits of this magnitude are often difficult to win even without a high-powered legal team on the other side, as they entertain thorny questions about press freedom and First Amendment rights and an unnamed executive in Murdoch’s organization has warned that “The strategy is no settlements one, even if it costs way more to fight the lawsuit and seek sanctions for ambulance chasing lawyers.