Broken Hearts and Lives

I once told a Coptic lady who was studying with me in a course at the American University in 2007/2008 that ‘WOMEN’ need to have an island of their own where there’s no men!

Any relationship that you enter should bring out the very best in you, leave you better than your previous self, make you wiser, more human/humane, kinder, more spiritual, wealthier, smarter, calmer and more beautiful than you were before!


Love is supposed to give you wings to fly, introduce us to the greatest virtues buried within us, suppressed by society, life obligations/struggles, our flawed schooling and or even upbringing, it’s supposed to liberate us from the chains holding us back, make us ANGELS WALKING ON EARTH!



But for many women, love had done the opposite and had even led them to death.

Let me start with a number of  women that love had done that to them:


I didn’t know that Andrea Dworkin made a similar suggestion(AN ISLAND ONLY FOR WOMEN), Andrea was a feminist, thinker, writer, artist, activist, wife among many other roles, she went through catastrophic tragic events in her life, even worked as a ‘Prostitute’, and was on the verge to smuggle drugs from Holland to USA because she didn’t got at the time the fees for an air ticket to her country! Andrea was raped and not even her husband believed her nor gave her support of any kind, she then began to decline into slow death from that event and all her life struggles, she died because even her own man had failed her, if she lived in her imagined island exclusive only to ‘WOMEN’ maybe she might had been living today with us!


Sylvia Plath another amazing talent, wife, mother, and writer that suffered so much because she picked the wrong man who broke her heart and was behind her death.


Zelda Fitzgerald the muse and wife of  F. Scott Fitzgerald, even per her own words he had used many of her ideas, her personal life and writings and claimed them as his! She died painfully and lived miserably because she lacked the wisdom not to tie herself to the wrong man.


Anne Boleyn, I don’t know how to describe her but she also picked the wrong man, had she married a man from different social status maybe she would have not faced the tragedies she had went through!


Marilyn Monroe, the wrong love took her life and made her devastated.


Cleopatra , died from love.


Love should not break nor kill you. Nothing is more precious than YOU, guard your soul, heart and self.

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