Biden vs Trump Lock Down
Joe Biden made a direct call to President Trump on things that he prepared to give him his view of what the lessons learned and what he think we should be doing. And his not here to criticize him, but here to try to promote more rapid response to the things that have to be acted on.
Biden shared several suggestions for actions the Administration can take now to address the ongoing corona virus pandemic and expressed his appreciation for the spirit of the American people in meeting the challenges facing the nation.
Biden believes we must spend whatever it takes, without delay, to meet public health needs and deal with the mounting economic consequences. The federal government must act swiftly and aggressively to help protect and support families, small businesses, first responders and caregivers essential to help face this challenge, and those who are most vulnerable to health and economic impacts, and our broader communities.
On Tuesday, Mr. Trump accused the WHO of being biased towards China in how it issued its guidance during the outbreak. The WHO later rejected Mr Trump’s comments, saying that working closely with China was “absolutely essential” in understanding the disease.
After the virus was confirmed to have reached the US, Mr. Trump downplayed the crisis at every opportunity, fearing the impact on the economy. Trump is very much like Johnson, every day sits independently of yesterday and tomorrow and is in itself a separate performance shaped and driven by the PR needs and demands of the hour. There is no medium or long term plan and no sense of responsibility. They are shallow characters, showman, buskers without direction because they have no aims beyond their own ego.
With Bernie Sanders out of the presidential race it’s now going to be between president Trump and Joe Biden. Both would step up their effort as president and contestant to win the heart of the people and here is what voters are saying about them;
Watching Hilary and Trump debate was immensely entertaining. Biden vs. Trump is just going to be sad. The democrats managed to find a candidate that is even worse than Hilary Clinton. Amazing Zero hindsight.
I just don’t understand how we went from Bernie to Biden. WHO WANTS BIDEN?! I haven’t heard of a single peer supporting him.
Bernie would have won every debate against trump. Biden can’t even speak clearly
The Democrats found Biden? Do you not remember how Trump started attacking Biden and Hunter? Before Biden actually made the announcement he was going to run. . Thinking face He knew exactly who would be the nominee running 2020.
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