Being SMART For Goals

SMART is an abbreviation for a set of terms, which we use to measure GOALS, and they are:





T:Time Bound

So let’s make a further breakdown to the SMART For Goals.


S: Know what you want and where are you heading to, for it will make your journey easier. Alice in Wonderland was asked where is she headed to, she mentioned that she got no clue, the cat she was asking for suggestion replies back to her saying; then it doesn’t matter !

Imagine doing the same, how much time, effort, and so many other things will be like a total waste during such journey to ‘I don’t know what GOAL‘?!

Someone smart once said ‘Be you, because everyone else is already taken’, one has got to know who they’re, what they stand for, don’t try to imitate or live another person’s dreams, life & goals. Your goals must be yours & must be a translation for who you are.

M:Goals got to be measurable, from time to time check progress, assess, evaluate & make necessary modifications.

A: Don’t make a very impossible goal that may discourage you from taking action, or a very easy one that might never challenge or motivate you.

R: Your goal as I said must be a translation of  who you are, whether it’s independent/interdependent goal, depending on your culture, point of view & how you see things(For example Cultures like America/Japan) operate from a unique sphere, one may place much emphasis on the person, the other gives the emphasis for the group.

T:They say the beautiful things about dreams is that they don’t have an expiry date, good for them, on the other hand goals are bound to a TIME FRAME, like taking a course or going to university they have a start & an end date.

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