Dance of the Seven Veils
She learned from her masters, who gave her the ABC of the craft, and then sealed it not with a kiss but with an advice, and told her to wear that in her ears like an ‘Ear Ring’ and around her neck like a ‘Necklace’;
‘All Will Use You, But You Don’t Have to Settle For Nothing, Do The Same and Be The Last Winner Who Wins It All At The Poker Table.’
Salome had many talents among them; ‘Twisting, turning like a snake and shedding tears like a crocodile to win everyone.’ From where she came everything were in total destruction and she was like an oasis amid the ruins.
She wanted it all, and knew how to get what she wanted, she also had a plan to make all her enemies, rivals, and those she hated , all fall one after the other like a domino. To her surprise she found that most of her evil murderous blood thirsty acquaintances also were envious and hated the same people as her, and wanted to get rid of them too, and it made her task a lot more easier!
For her and them it became more similar to when all tribes had agreed on the assassination of prophet Mohammed and when they came up with the evil plot stating that:
‘If All Tribes Unite To Get Rid Of Him, It Will Be Mission Impossible To Seek Vengeance For His Blood From Every Tribe!’
To be continued….