Hycent Essien Little Secrets
Hycent Essien is a Nigeria based based gospel artist, his song was currently featured in our recent Audio Album Release, which you can play Now>>> Play Now.
He was recently interviewed and here is what he has for his loving fans and do us a favor to also drop your questions in our comment section, that you want us to ask her, in our next live interview sessions and for this interview you can also drop your feelings, wishes and recommendation for her in the comment section.
Here is goes his interview as follows:
Q1. What first got you into Gospel Music?
Ans. The love I have for the gospel of Christ which is to make heaven.
Q2. Who inspired you to make Gospel Music?
Ans. I was inspired by the holy Spirit through a mid night vision.
Q3. How would you describe the Gospel music that typically Create?
Ans. The message I preach through music is all about Jesus so I evangelize with singing
Q4. Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Ans. I will love to collaborate with Frank Edward
Q5. If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
Ans. I will love to open a show for Frank Edward
Q6. What Message would you give to your fans?
Ans. Jesus is the only way to heaven
Q7. What is the most useless talent you have?
Ans Playing Computer Game
Q8. DO you sing in the shower and what songs?
Ans. i sing worship songs most time but my song.
Q9. What would you be doing right now if it wasn’t for your music Career?
Ans. Working with my Bsc certificate
Q10. Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
Ans. I have sing in different places both in Lagos, Ogun, Abia & sokoto most time is church and competition center
Q11. What are your rehearsals generally like? Do you have a set each week in which you practice or are rehearsals more spontaneous?
Ans. For now every Sunday afternoon in a week with my team maximum 3hr
Q12. How has your music evolved since you recorded the first song?
Ans. Well it has given me a platform in different places with different people
Q13. What has been your biggest challenge as a Gospel artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so how?
Ans. My biggest challenge is sponsorship I mean fund to produce and promote my songs.
Q14. What’s your ultimate direction? Are you seeking fame and fortune or anything else?
Ans. keep doing what God call them to do without giving up on any challenge of any kind. my direction is to win souls into the kingdom. Am not seeking fame but platform to express my thought
Q15. What advice do you have for people who want to go into gospel music?
Ans. my advice to people who want to go into gospel music should keep doing their best to answer the call of service to God
Q16. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
Ans. the internet has improved music by making it get to people both far and near in the world.
Q17. What is your favorite song to perform?
Ans. my favourite song is made a way by Travis Greene
Q18. Which famous musicians do you admire?
Ans. Travis Greene
Q19. What is the most trouble you`ve ever gotten into?
Ans. No idea
Q20. What is the best advise you`ve been given?
Ans. Not to give up in my dream
Q21. If you could change anything about the gospel industry, what would it be?
Ans. I can’t change anything about gospel music
Q22. What`s next for you?
Ans. To hit the market with my album
Q23. Any last words?
Ans. I cannot do without singing and praising God bcos I was created to worship him
Thanks for Reading Remember you can help his dream a reality by simply sharing this content on your Whatsapp Group or Status, and to all your social networks.
If you liked his interview, don’t forget to drop suggestion, recommendation and questions you would want us to ask him in our next interview on our comment section and if you haven’t played Total Lock down with God Today >>> Play Now