Buy Me a Plate Of Food Is a Fund Raising Initiative to assist Gospel Artist to Keep producing without no difficulty.

2020 is a year that, we can’t forget that brought great hold to productivity and movement but by Gods grace we are surely going to survive it.

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We also have  a lot of song and music collection  all made during this period and which are free to enjoy without paying any cash because God things are free, but when there is lack we often turn to Kind hearted donors to help us out.

We on our own part are trying our best as God instrument of revival and as a Record Label assisting Gospel artists, backups, upcoming, instrumentalist and producers all over the globe.

We have assisting artist since the lock down began, but we are short of funds to accommodate them all and we plead for donation from kind hearted individuals to buy a plate of food for our artist and producers, to enable to continue producing great edifying content for your listening pleasure and spiritual upliftment.

Buying a plate of Food would go a long way through your donation to ease hardship and encourage creativity for our artist and producer all over the world. Please we would forever remain grateful for your Kind Donations and your pocket shall never run dry because you are supporting the movement of Christ.

Please no amount of your donation is too small to buy a plate of Food for our artist all over the world and for now we are only accepting Donations in Bitcoin payment and if you don’t know where to buy bitcoins to make donation to us, you can simply Google search on “how to buy bitcoin in your own country like How to buy bitcoin here in Russia or Tanzania and you will immediately get lots of answers.

If you want to reach us directly through Telegram Click Here>>>>>

Thanks and make your Donations by Clicking Here Now>>>>>>


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