May You Be Rich and Blessed

‘Being poor is something that I would have never wished upon anyone, not even my worst enemies!’

One room with humble furniture, but very neat and clean, poorly aired due to the fact that it only had one window, seated amid tall buildings from all sides; it’s more of a garage, thus depriving its occupiers from proper ventilation! It was a hell on earth room, but it was all what they got at the moment! Yet there’s something emitting from it; lots of love, warmth, kindness and serenity.

Four days of severe illness and the best the boys and the little girl could do was to sit by her bedside and weep. They know no one, and got no money to bring her a doctor, if it was the other way round and it was one of the kids ill, she would had gone up and down to see them get all the medical attention they needed until they were well again.

‘Take it easy on yourselves angels, am a fighter and I will make it.’ She managed to say between the episodes of painful coughs she was undergoing.

She closed her eyes as she took another painful breathe; even the act of breathing has become torture for her!

She was raising three kids that weren’t her own, the kids of the relative who committed so much atrocities towards her, who had managed to turn the whole world against her with her fake crocodile tears and tales, and everyone has fallen for them, because of the attractiveness and sexiness of the narrator, hate, envy and jealousy of all those involved, and due to the fact that those around needed the narrator’s tales, so they had to buy whatever fake stories the evil relative was selling!

The person who had shattered her life and dreams made her promise them at the time of their death to take care of her three children. Who would have thought that life would turn suddenly sour after it had been all sweet and prosperous for her, her final words were ‘ I know what I did to you, with the help of my mother and many other people, I was filled with envy, jealousy and hate, my heart and conscience weren’t alive, everyone around me ensured that I made fatal damage to you, I can’t undo my mistakes, can’t compensate you on all the harm we did, but I paid for my sins, you may not know it, but most of those who did hurt and harm you did pay for their sins, even if they pretended to appear victorious all times, but the truth is; they have lost many precious things also; their authenticity, humanity, compassion, sympathy, innocence, themselves and much more, they were all ‘Walking Dead’!

Sometimes she wanted to place the kids at a foster home, she wanted them to have a taste of the tragedy, atrocity, horrors and pain that their mother, grandmother, family, friends, relatives and society had placed upon her and have been committing against her, maybe they thought that’s her plan, but she wanted to prove them wrong, show them even in their graves that she shared nothing with them, and that she was more human and humane than all of them.

She worked everywhere to ensure that the three kids get well educated, clothed, and fed even if the home she managed to give them was within the limits of this small tiny room, she filled their days with laughter, love, learning and made sure that they lived life to its fullest with the very modest means that were available for them, one day when they all become adults and be able to stand on their two feet, they will purchase whatever mansions and Ferrari they would ever desire , she will make sure to take them there, and along the way she too will make her dreams come true!

On tough days she walks them to their nearby schools, and she would carry the little girl on her back, the little girl would then ask her at certain times to run like a horse, they keep walking and if the boys whine and complaint , she would tell them ‘Walking is why we will live longer than the rich.’

Then they would ask in unison if they will always remain poor ‘Study well, be smart, stay out of trouble, chase your dreams, work big, dream big, and you’ll never remain poor.’

They keep chanting ‘Dream big, & work big’ all day long even when they’re doing their homework in the evening.

She came back from her memories, and then slowly opened her eyes to look at the three angels praying at her feet for her. Life has so many lessons, the toughest one is to clarify for us certain facts, one of them is the following: We may think of ourselves as the authors of the ‘Book of Life’, but truth is: The lord executes it all for everyone, he had written the beginning, middle and the end. Who would have thought the woman who had lived on top of the world would die in such painful manner, and would leave her kids to the person she had committed so much atrocities against!

Even within the holy books you will come across those who have been on top of everything and then went into ruin’, and those whom were oppressed then by the lord’s will and word have triumphed.

To be continued…

By S.J Hassan

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