When Priti Patel is Taught Maths By Trump
Priti Patel confused Britons during her first corona virus press briefing as she stumbled over the official case figures.
Diane Abbot would never have said anything so weird. She made a couple of straightforward figures announcement mistakes under pressure and trying to get her diabetes under control. She has *never* been allowed to forget it. Unlike Ms Patel she does know how to count.
I trust that this will run and run with the same length of time and intensity as the trolling of Diane Abbott when she got her numbers mixed up after touring studios during the 2017 election campaign.
The BBC made that Diane Abbott mistake it’s lead story, despite it being in an LBC interview and her having got the figure right in her BBC interviews the same day. A week later Philip Hammond, the actual Chancellor, was £30 billion out when asked to say how much HS2 cost.
The Home Secretary was nervous as she addressed the nation during the daily corona virus briefing. Ms Patel mistakenly said that there had been “three hundred thousand and thirty four, nine hundred and seventy four thousand” corona virus tests in Britain.